While the Liv For You foundation is still young, it has been developing new ways to give back to communities that closely relate to the best qualities in Olivia. She was a dancer, cheerleader, and a very spirited young adult. In her honor, The LivForYou Foundation, engages in non-profit fundraising throughout the year in order to provide monetary assistance to young people with a boundless spirit.
The Liv For You Foundation engages in non-profit fundraising throughout the year in order to provide monetary assistance to young people with a boundless spirit. The scholarship committee chooses a recipient for the Olivia Noel Rotondo Memorial Dance Scholarship based on the student's drive, creativity, dedication to their art, and academic excellence. The foundation provides $2500 to a graduating Rhode Island or Massachusetts high school dancer accepted to a college or university. Applicants should have a GPA of at least a 2.5.