Oregon Chafee Education and Training Grant

May 1, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Chafee Education and Training Grant (also know as The Chafee Education and Training Voucher) provides funding to help current or former foster care youth with postsecondary education and training. To be eligible for the Chafee Education and Training Grant, applicants must: currently be in child welfare foster care; have been in child welfare foster care for at least 180 days (six months) after your 13th birthday and exited substitute care at age 14 or older; be a former foster youth who was adopted or entered into a guardianship on or after your 13th birthday, and your adoption/guardianship finalized after 9/1/2015; or be 25 or younger to apply. The final Chafee Grant disbursement must be received the term before the youth turns age 26.

OSAC will notify the college on your application that you are eligible to receive a Chafee Education and Training Grant. If you change schools, you must update your application to notify OSAC. Mid-year changes may delay funding from one school to another. Your college will determine the amount of your grant based on your financial need after application of any state or federal grant monies (PELL, Oregon Opportunity Grant, etc.). ETV funds received directly from the Department of Human Services will be subtracted from your Chafee Education and Training Grant award. Your grant award will be included in your financial aid package prepared at your school. The application deadline is based on the term you plan to start college, so this is offered four times a year.

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