University of Tennessee- Chattanooga Provost's Scholars Program

February 1, 2026
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

Unique, like you. We have a collection of competitive scholarships with a wide range of criteria. And the best part? They don’t have to be repaid. UTC scholarship funds are limited and the awarding process is competitive. That means, even though you meet all eligibility requirements, you still might not be awarded a scholarship. The best way to improve your chances is to always submit all required materials as soon as possible. To be considered for UTC Scholarship funds, all accepted students must complete the UTC Online Scholarship Application.

UTC is pleased to present the Provost's Scholars Program for first-time freshmen applicants. Eligible students must have a 3.4 GPA, as well as either a 25 ACT or a 1200 SAT. This award is renewable and can be applied to eight semesters, provided that: the student is enrolled full-time (12 credits); the student's academic performance is reviewed at the end of each spring semester (30 overall passed hours at the end of their first year; 60 overall passed at the end of their second and so on. PLEASE NOTE - ANY/ALL college credit earned while they were in high school will be considered in this review [i.e. dual enrollment or AP credits]); and maintenance of a 3.25 GPA. Scholarship Search