Abdul Waheed Scholarship in Biochemistry

February 1, 2026
Awards Available: 2

Scholarship Description

The Abdul Waheed Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship for Ph.D. students within the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences at Saint Louis University. The Scholarship is available to one Ph.D. graduate student and one M.D./Ph.D. student per year who plan to join the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program. The scholarship includes a $35,000 yearly stipend, tuition, and health insurance and covers 3 years for Ph.D. Core students and 1 year for M.D./Ph.D. students. The awardee may start between June 1 and the first day of classes in August.

Candidates must apply and be accepted by Saint Louis University as a classified (degree-seeking) student in the Biomedical Sciences Core Graduate Program as a new Ph.D. student. Candidates will indicate interest in the Abdul Waheed Scholarship at the time of application. M.D./Ph.D. students may apply to the scholarship at the beginning of the Ph.D. years, provided they have chosen a faculty mentor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

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