ICASE Presidential Scholarship

December 30, 2025
Awards Available: 2

Scholarship Description

For more than 50 years, the Indiana Council of Administrators of Special Education (ICASE) members have worked tirelessly on improving the lives of students with disabilities. The mission of ICASE is to serve, support and represent special education administrators in Indiana in order to provide high impact learning opportunities for all students. One goal of ICASE is to build capacity among its members and continue to develop future leaders in special education.

To do this, ICASE awards scholarships to those individuals who are interested in becoming administrators in special education. In order to be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must be nominated by a current special education director and enrolled in a special education licensing program. An eligible recipient must be accepted or currently enrolled in a Director of Exceptional Needs licensing program in the state of Indiana to be eligible. Applicants must also write a short essay as part of their application.

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