Federation of Houston Professional Women Educational Foundation

February 28, 2025
Awards Available: 12

Scholarship Description

The mission of the Federation of Houston Professional Women Educational Foundation (FHPWEF) is to award scholarships and gifts to aid and advance the education and knowledge of women in the community.

Scholarship Details

  • Mission: To provide scholarships and gifts for the advancement of women's education
  • Funding Source: Federation of Houston Professional Women Educational Foundation (FHPWEF)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Gender: Female
  • Texas Residency: Must be a Texas resident
  • College or University: Plan to attend a Texas College or University or an accredited online college/university
  • Academic Progress: Completed at least 30 semester hours of credit as of 12/31
  • Enrollment: Enrolled to take 6 or more credits
  • Academic Achievement: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

Application Process

  1. Prepare your scholarship application, including essay responses within the specified word limits.
  2. Submit the most recent college and/or university transcripts showing academic progress.
  3. Ensure that your essay responses are free of grammar and spelling errors.
  4. Convert required documents to PDF files and submit them with your application.

Besides completing the application, students will need the following information: the educational institution's mailing address and phone number; leadership roles and recognition within the last three years; contact info for those writing their letters of recommendation; a statement of their goals in 200 words or less; an essay in 400 words or less answering an assigned question; a biographical sketch about themselves in 100 words or less; a copy of recent college or university transcripts; two signed letters of recommendation; a high-resolution (300 dpi or higher) headshot/photo; and a yes/no check-mark on a photo release form.

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