Updated: February 6, 2025

Asian/Pacific Islander Scholarships

The most common student-specific scholarships and grants are those available to minorities. Many organizations and colleges have funding available to make campuses more diverse or reward funding to groups they feel have been traditionally underserved in higher education. As the number of Asian and Pacific Islander students increases on U.S. college campuses, many organizations have also seen an increased need for scholarships and are more generous than ever in the scholarships they award. Scholarships are offered on the basis of origin, religion, by vocation, gender, or by resident state. Additionally, many scholarship awards will be merit-based, meaning your academic achievements such as GPA and standardized test scores will matter, and some will have major restrictions, as many groups work specifically to bring more minority students to certain fields of study.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Asian/Pacific Islander Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

It is misleading to group all Asians and Pacific Islanders together since they not only differ regionally but culturally. Pacific Islanders are typically from Hawaii, Guam, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Phillippines, and several other Pacific Islands. Some scholarships may be reserved solely for Asians or specifically for Pacific Islanders - and some will accept both, so make sure to check the eligibility requirements when applying. Organizations such as the Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Foundation offer many scholarships specifically for Asian and Pacific Islander students. A prestigious and large dollar scholarship for Asian/Pacific Islanders and other minority students is the Gates Millenium Scholarship Program. Check out these and many other great opportunities to fund your college education.

Make sure to also contact your college about school-based awards that may be available to you for attending that particular college. Many colleges and universities have minority scholarship funds set up by alumni who would like to help future minority students pay for college. And if you're applying for many of the merit-based awards, don't rule out other merit-based scholarships, as you're probably eligible for many more if you have a stellar academic record.

Below are examples of Asian and Pacific Islander scholarships and grants you may be interested in pursuing. To find out if you're eligible or for additional information about scholarships based on ethnicity or other criteria, conduct a free college scholarship search at Scholarships.com.