Updated: January 17, 2025

Technology Scholarships

Those excelling in English will most likely apply for scholarships focusing on writing, literature and essays. For students who are most left-brained and interested in the “how”, “why”, and inner workings of things, there are scholarships that help promote different modes of thinking and interests and also help pay for school at the same time.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Technology Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

Technology is evolving every day and as such, so are the scholarship opportunities for students dedicated to the field. You may not know exactly what you will choose as your major yet, but you may already want courses full of equations, formulas, and brain-teasing exercises. Perhaps you want to be innovative like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin. You don’t necessarily want to see your name in lights but you think you could design a brighter, more efficient bulb. You are excited not only about the release of the latest smartphones, video games, and laptops but also about how they are able to work the way they do. If any of these descriptions sound like you, technology seems a likely route, so why not make your first contribution by submitting an application for a technology scholarship or two?

Here are just a few of the many tech-centric scholarships in our database. Interested in learnig more? Why not perform a scholarship search of your own.