Afsoon A.
5th Place - $1,000 Resolve to Evolve Scholarship Winner
Higher Education at a Higher Cost: Shift in Focus
I do solemnly swear...
2008 has finally arrived: it is time for a new leader to set the stage for the rest of the country by carefully ameliorating the problems of the past and carrying out necessary plans for the future. Now is the perfect time to shift our focus. Not later. Now. For each of the forty-three inaugurations in our nation’s history, hope heightens. Anger subsides. Partisan conflict lulls over at the blissful beginnings of the honeymoon period. Whoever the president might be – a Democrat, a Republican, a white man, a black man, a woman – now is the perfect time to shift our focus.
...that I will faithfully execute...
The cost for higher education increases each year disproportionately to the rest of the economy. Every college makes sure to include in the fine print of those hefty acceptance packages that the tuition costs are subject to change due to the rising costs of a college education. The cacophony of college costs frustrates prospective students, disappointed parents, and should very well frustrate every other American. The source of the future of the United States of America resides among those who attain high quality education; to allow the financial system to plummet is a disservice to qualified students and to every other individual in this country who might benefit from the positive effects of that one student’s education. For all we know, at this very moment we might be preventing the future president from attending the college of his/her choice because of the expense.
...the Office of President of the United States...
Imagine if no one tries to ameliorate the problems associated with the rising tuition costs. The gap between the upper and lower socioeconomic classes would increase destructively; the middle class would struggle. Only those who could afford higher education would receive it. That is not the America I ever wish to know.
...and will to the best of my Ability...
Realistically, how is one supposed to go about reducing tuition rates? The high quality of college education in America means that there are high costs – for faculty, staff, new technology, food, renovation, construction, resources, events…the list goes on. So again, how is one supposed to go about solving this issue?
...preserve, protect and defend...
Instead of focusing on the high rates, perhaps the shift can be in our focus on aid. Of course the government provides financial aid through the FAFSA, need-based programs, grants, scholarships, but our economy is facing recession. These programs must become a priority. Our country needs to center on the significance of funding education because student education ensures that the country will be in good hands in the future. Not only is education funding lulling for primary and secondary schools, as can be seen in recent cuts in education funding in California and some other states, but the funding for college education also must be better addressed. Education should not just be an objective anymore; it needs to be a major priority.
...the Constitution of the United States...
I, on behalf of "We the People”, implore the federal government to make education our new top priority. There needs to be more focus on the programs that raise public and private assistance for high achievers and deserving students. Raising the level of education on the priority list will pay back in the long run because every investment in education will result in exponential returns in the future. The students aiming for higher education right now are those who will provide for the defense, business, thought, policy, and further development of our country. It is the year of 2008, the perfect time to shift our focus.
...So help me God.