Best College Food
Grab your Number 2 pencils, kids, because it’s time for a pop quiz: All dining hall food is disgusting. Select A for true and B for false.
Did you just bubble in A on your Scantron sheet? If so, you couldn’t be more wrong...just be thankful this misstep won’t count toward your final grade.
You may think there’s no way you’ll get a decent meal in college unless you live at home but there are plenty of on-campus dining options across the country that have students lining up to fill their plates (and stomachs). With choices ranging from pasta and pecan pie to sushi and sirloin, there’s a meal out there for every student and colleges are doing their part to ensure what they’re serving has enough vitamins and nutrients to sustain a balanced diet.
The Princeton Review lists the following institutions as bearers of the best collegiate food. There's a serious smorgasbord of deliciousness below. But don’t worry, we won’t tell Mom her pork chops have been bested.