Preparing for College
If you don’t want to be stuck at your part-time, you are going to have to continue on to post-secondary education. In today’s world, college is a necessity even if your career path is non-academic. While it is possible to make a solid living without a degree, our economy is moving towards jobs that require at least a bachelor’s degree.
Prominent public figures, including the President of the United States, have recognized the growing demand for college degrees and have made it national effort to make college accessible. However, getting into college still requires hard work, so take charge and actively prepare for college. Take a look at our resources to help jumpstart your college planning.
Deciding to Go
The first step to getting through higher education is deciding to go to college. Address the reasons for and against a college education. Focus on why you should go to college the many ways a degree will help you reach your long-term goals. Remember that college is a once in a lifetime experience that will benefit you in many along with getting a degree.
Starting College Planning
After you’ve considered career paths, put yourself into a position to successfully get through high school. Keep up on schoolwork and get involved in extracurricular activities. Being well-rounded will make you a better applicant for college and college scholarships. For tips on how to make the most of your high school experience, check out our high school action plans .
Meet with your school counselor to formulate an action plan. Review application requirements, test preparation, and what classes you still need to take to me the graduation requirement. In the meantime, start looking at colleges. After putting together your list of colleges, start narrowing down your options and filling out applications. Once accepted to college, know what to expect in college to properly prepare for your college career.