Agaram Tamilar Essay Scholarship

January 18, 2026
Awards Available: 3

Scholarship Description

Tamil Americans are Americans who are Tamil origin. Most of the Tamil Americans come from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Significant minorities are from other countries, such as Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.

Scholarship Details

  • Open to high school students in Farmington, Simsbury, and Avon
  • Essay competition on the theme: “The Role of Immigrants in American Culture: How have immigrants contributed to American society, arts, and culture?”
  • Prizes awarded to the top three essays: $1000 for first place, $500 for second place, and $250 for third place

Eligibility Criteria

  • High school junior or senior
  • Residing in Farmington, Simsbury, or Avon

Application Process

  1. Write an essay of no more than three typed, double-spaced pages in 12-point font
  2. Format the essay as a letter to an audience of your choice
  3. Email your completed essay
  4. Include your name, address, school year, school name, and a parent/guardian email address in your submission

This is the first year of this scholarship, which we hope to make a recurring competition. Apply today and submit your essay for a chance to win up to $1,000! Scholarship Search