Auburn University Achievement and Leadership Scholarships

February 14, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

First-year student scholarships are awarded competitively to first-year students who enroll summer or fall immediately following high school graduation. Scholarships are renewable for four years. First-year students must enroll summer or fall immediately following high school graduation to receive consideration. A scholarship application is not required. First-year students accepted for admission by early February and complete the scholarship application in the Auburn University Scholarship Opportunity Manager (AUSOM) by the deadline receive automatic consideration.

Achievement and leadership scholarships may be awarded as funding permits and are renewable for four years. First-year students must enroll summer or fall immediately following high school graduation to receive consideration. Consideration is based on high school GPA and information provided on the scholarship application. For students who apply for admission as traditional applicants, standardized test score may also be considered. Updated test scores must be received by Auburn by January 10. For students who apply for admission as test optional applicants, the academic assessment during the evaluation for admission may also be considered. Scholarship Search