Constitutional Study and Scholarship Program

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Scholarship Description

The Foundation for the Restoration of America (FFROA) Constitutional Study and Scholarship Program is awarding $100,000 in scholarship funds. We invite you to learn about America’s founding through our free online Constitutional program and apply for up to $10,000 in scholarships!

How to Enter

To qualify for a $2,000 scholarship, applicants must complete the “Introduction to the Constitution” and the “Constitution 101” free online courses provided; download certificates of completion; and submit application. To qualify for a $5,000 or $10,000 scholarship, applicants must complete both the “Introduction to the Constitution” and the “Constitution 101” courses, plus one additional free online course provided; download certificates of completion; and submit application.

To be eligible to apply you must be an American citizen, age 16 or older, and currently enrolled in public or private high school, homeschool, college/university, or trade school. Scholarship Search