CWGGF Scholarship

February 28, 2025
Awards Available: 6

Scholarship Description

The board of the California Wine Grape Growers Foundation will award the scholarships. Selection is based upon financial need, demonstrated scholastic ability, community involvement and leadership and/or work history and determination to succeed. Community involvement, leadership, and/or work history is a broad category that assumes one or a combination of the following: Community service; Employment where the student is making a contribution to the California economy which may not allow time for community service; Sports participation with the understanding that these activities build character and leadership skills, teach strategic and analytical thinking and promote goal setting and teamwork.

Students must: Be graduating from high school and planning to attend a California four-year university/state college or a two-year community college in the fall; Have a parent or legal guardian who was employed by a California winegrape grower during the current or past growing season; Complete the application; Attach an official high school transcript; Provide a letter of recommendation from an instructor, school principal or counselor that includes their signature and provides the address, telephone number and position held at the school; Submit a 500 word essay (approximately 2 pages, see application for details). Scholarship Search