Dr. and Mrs. William J. Yonker Scholarship

January 31, 2026
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

Calvin University is a world-class Christian university in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here, you will discover a bold, transformative education that’s grounded in Christian conviction. Be inspired by innovation, leadership, and artistic expression. Be challenged to respond to the world’s needs. Since 1876, Calvin has lived into Christ’s promise to make all things new—find your place in this transformative community today. Throughout their generosity, Calvin University offers different types of scholarships.

The Yonker Fund grants annual scholarships for Calvin University students who intend to pursue a career in Christian ministry or missions. Applicants must be entering their junior or senior year, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, and be pursuing a career in Christian ministry or missions. Applicants must write a brief statement setting forth their aspirations or career goals for Christian missions or ministry. Financial need is not required.

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