Eddleman-McFarland Scholarships

See Description
March 1, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

Eddleman-McFarland Scholarships are available for all fields of undergraduate study to high school seniors or full-time college students up to age 30, regardless of race or religion, who are enrolling at an accredited Texas college, university, or trade school and who are U.S. citizens and have been residents of Parker County or Tarrant County, Texas for at least one year prior to college. Awards are based primarily on financial need, though ability and good character are taken into consideration. Grants are made on a one year basis. However, a recipient who has successfully completed an academic year may reapply for a subsequent scholarship. The number of recipients and the dollar amounts will vary.

The Carrie E. McFarland Charitable Trust established in 1980 from the estate of F. Hays and Carrie McFarland created the Eddleman-McFarland Charitable Trust Fund. The purpose of the fund is two fold: (1) A Day Nursery Fund to provide care for underprivileged children in area day care facilities and (2) A McFarland Scholarship Fund to aid financially needy, deserving high school seniors or college students up to thirty years of age who are permanent residents of Parker or Tarrant County to pursue their continuing education towards attaining an undergraduate degree.

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