Gilbert Matching Student Grant Program

Deadline Varies
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Massachusetts Gilbert Matching Student Grant Program (GMSGP) provides funds for participating Massachusetts' institutions of higher education and schools of nursing. At least 100 percent of the funds must be used for direct financial assistance to undergraduate students from Massachusetts so they may attend or continue to attend such institutions. To be eligible for a Massachusetts Gilbert Grant, a student must be a dependent student who is a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts, and whose source of support is a parent who has been a permanent resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the 12 months prior to the opening of the academic year; or an independent student who has been a permanent resident of the Commonwealth for the 12 months immediately preceding the opening of the academic year.

Applicants must be a U.S. Citizen or non-citizen eligible under Title IV regulations and be in compliance with Selective Service Registration, be enrolled full time (at least 12 credits or its equivalent) at an eligible institution and demonstrate financial need as determined by program guidelines. In addition, applicants must: be enrolled full time (at least 12 credits or its equivalent) at an eligible institution; and not have yet earned a bachelor's or professional degree or the equivalent. The number of awards will vary. Scholarship Search