The Hugues Joublin Grant was created to provide financial assistance to an eligible student who had to face adversity throughout their lives in order to go back on the path to success. The winner of our essay contest will receive a $1,000 scholarship if they meet the eligibility requirements. To qualify for this grant, applicants must meet the following requirements: Attend an accredited US-Based university; Possess an excellent academic record; Demonstrate the ability to lead. Applicants must be a current college/university student and complete an essay for submission.
To qualify for the grant, please follow the essay guidelines. Essay Topic: In a world marked by growing individualism, by economic crises, by the unprecedented aging of our populations, solidarity between generations is more and more at risk. In this context, why is caring the most appropriate ethical response to address other’s vulnerabilities? The essay should be 700-800 words. Any plagiarism or fabrication will disqualify the applicant from award disbursement.