Iota Sigma Pi BP Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

To be eligible for the Iota Sigma Pi BP Scholarship, applicants must: be a female high school senior; have formally applied to an accredited four-year college or university in Ohio, with the intent of becoming a science major, intending to pursue a scientific career after graduation (Pre-med and pre-pharmacy/pharmacy are excluded.); have completed (or is in the process of completing) a minimum of three academic years of laboratory science courses; have completed (or is in the process of completing) a minimum of three academic years of mathematics; have a 3.4 GPA; and exhibit strong scientific achievement and continued interest in chemistry and mathematics.

Iota Sigma Pi is a national honor society for women in chemistry. Its major objectives are: to promote interest in chemistry among women students; to foster mutual advancement in academic, business, and social life; and to stimulate personal accomplishment in the chemical field. The Fluorine Chapter has a mixture of women with a variety of chemical interests: our members are from industry, government and academia and include both faculty and students. Scholarship Search