The Iranian Scholarship Fund (ISF) is a registered nonprofit organization that enables exceptional students of Iranian descent who lack financial resources to attend university. Through our scholarships, academically promising students are able to pursue their academic dreams, despite their lack of financial means. Central to ISF’s vision is the vital role of community service. We are looking for leaders of tomorrow who will give back to the community. As such, our scholarship recipients must demonstrate strong commitment to the preservation and advancement of Iranian culture and the global Iranian community.
The Iranian Scholarship Foundation (ISF) provides scholarships to students of Iranian descent in the United States who demonstrate exceptional academic promise, significant financial need and a dedication to community service. Eligibility: be enrolled or accepted at a four-year accredited university in the United States; demonstrate financial need; have participated in community service and continue to do so; and have a 3.5 GPA. In addition, you'll need to submit: school transcripts, income taxes, IRS form 4506, two letters of recommendation, the university acceptance letter, and two personal essays about yourself (750 words and 500 words). Typically, 15-20 awards are given out each year at an amount of $10,000 each.