Lake Erie College Twins Scholarship

May 1, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

A college education is an important investment and represents a major expense in your family's budget. At Lake Erie College, we are committed to helping you find the means to afford a quality private education. We realize there is a lot to understanding the financial aid process — many of our staff are putting - or have already put - our kids through college. We can help you with every step. We will determine your aid eligibility and send you a financial aid notification.

As evidence of Lake Erie College's responsiveness to the desires of our students, they offer the Lake Erie College Twins scholarship. This full-tuition scholarship (up to 18 credit hours per semester) is awarded 50/50 if both students are enrolled full-time at Lake Erie College. In essence, both twins can attend Lake Erie College for the tuition of only one. This award is given in place of any merit award. If a twin is eligible for a higher merit award, that will be given. Scholarship Search