Larry Morris Memorial Scholarship

December 5, 2025
Awards Available: 2

Scholarship Description

The annual Larry Morris Memorial Scholarship, offered by The Hillside Source, provides financial scholarship assistance to a University of New Mexico graduate level or upper division undergraduate student pursuing a degree in English Literature or other Language/ Literature degree for work on an academic project in the field of mystical or spiritual literature. This project may be a scholarly analysis of an existing literary work(s) or an original creative work by the student (poetry, short story, book, etc.), or possibly a project to inspire and promote further inquiry into the field through travel and general reading/research. Applicants should have at least as 3.2 GPA.

In addition to completing the application, applicants must also submit a transcript and two confidential academic letters of recommendation by faculty members who know them well and are familiar with the quality of their academic work. The purpose of The Hillside Source is to support, inspire, and nourish the spiritual life of the individual in the 21st Century through a range of resources, including audio recordings, daily “Positive Thoughts,”short articles and commentaries on different aspects of spiritual living, and links to more in-depth analyses and scholarship on contemporary topics with spiritual implications. Scholarship Search