Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship

February 15, 2025
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

The mission of SICB is to further research, education and public awareness in the areas of organismal, functional and evolutionary biology. SICB fosters research, education, public awareness and understanding of living organisms from molecules and cells to ecology and evolution. SICB encourages interdisciplinary cooperative research that integrates across scales, and new models and methodologies to enhance research and education. Throughout their generosity, SICB offers a scholarship to students.

This scholarship, in memory of Libbie H. Hyman, one of America’s foremost invertebrate zoologists, provides assistance to students to take courses or to pursue research on invertebrates at a marine, freshwater, or terrestrial field station. The Hyman Grant is intended to help support a first meaningful field-station experience for a first- or second-year graduate student, or an advanced undergraduate. Scholarship Search