Mary J. Szczepanski "Never Give Up" Scholarship

March 4, 2025
Awards Available: 10

Scholarship Description

The Mary J. Szczepanski “Never Give Up” MS Scholarship Foundation offers annual scholarships to seniors at Catholic Central, Covenant Christian, Kenowa Hills and Northview High Schools in the Grand Rapids, MI area for creatively raising funds for Multiple Sclerosis. One or two scholarships are awarded at each high school, one to a male and female senior who raises the most funds for MS. Nine scholarships are offered to high school students annually and one offered to college students annually.

The criteria for the Mary J. Szczepanski “Never Give Up” MS Scholarship Foundation is as follows: high school seniors must collect a minimum of $500.00 and college students $750.00 to be considered, since our mission is to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis; start collecting pledges in March; turn in completed pledge sheets and remaining donations by the listed deadline; and send pledge sheets, checks and thank you letters to the listed address. Scholarship Search