Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship

See Description
September 15, 2024
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers and Fireman Scholarship Program offers financial assistance to dependent children and spouses of any Mississippi law enforcement officer, full-time firefighter or volunteer firefighter who has suffered fatal injuries or wounds or become permanently and totally disabled as a result of injuries or wounds which occurred in the performance of the official and appointed duties of his or her office. This financial assistance is offered as an eight-semester tuition and room scholarship at any state-supported college or university in Mississippi. Dollar amounts will vary.

Students must be certified as a dependent child (must not have reached the age of 23) or spouse of any Mississippi law enforcement officer, full-time firefighter or volunteer firefighter who suffered fatal injuries or wounds which occurred in the performance of the official and appointed duties of his or her office or who became permanently and totally disabled as a result of injuries or wounds which occurred in the performance of the official and appointed duties of his or her office.

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