NACUFS Clark E. DeHaven Scholarship Trust

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Scholarship Description

The NACUFS Foundation board of directors is pleased to announce that up to four - $4,000 Clark E. DeHaven scholarships will be awarded to students at NACUFS member institutions for use during the coming academic year. Its purpose is to provide merit scholarships to students at member institutions who are committed to pursuing careers in accredited programs in the foodservice profession or related areas. Since the first scholarship was awarded in 1992, the scholarship has been awarded to 99 students in the total amount of $407,500.

Clark E. DeHaven Scholarship recipients will be selected annually by the Clark E. DeHaven scholarship selection committee, after review of application material. Academic and employer references, academic standing, commitment to the academic program, and other specified criteria will be considered. Parameters for selection include commitment to careers in foodservice professions, merit, traditional progress toward degrees, character, campus citizenship, campus involvement, volunteer activities, and financial need. Scholarships may be made to current college sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Applications from freshmen will not be considered. Applicants enrolled full-time in baccalaureate programs in the next fall term are the primary candidates for the scholarships. Consideration will be given to applicants with exemplary credentials that are enrolled full-time in a culinary program leading to an associate degree. Scholarships will be awarded only for undergraduate study. Students must submit an application and all required information by the deadline. Scholarship recipients will be notified by phone, letter or e-mail no later than June 1st, Scholarship Search