The NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders, Inc. (NJCTS) is proud to announce this scholarship awards up to $1,000 to graduating New Jersey high school seniors diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. Investing in the future of college-or-trade-school-bound high school seniors with Tourette Syndrome has been an important function of NJCTS for over a decade. NJCTS has awarded over 335 scholarships to New Jersey graduating high school seniors who have excelled in their schools and communities in the face of living with Tourette Syndrome. The number of scholarships awarded each year will vary, though it's typically offered to 1-3 recipients.
A scholarship award recipient must: Download/print out, complete and return the application form on pages 2, 3 and 4 of this document by the due date. Scanned and emailed applications will be accepted; Be domiciled in the State of New Jersey; Be a high school senior in a private, public, or home school ; Be planning to attend a college or trade school on a part-time or full-time basis in the fall; Have a diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome; Provide a record of grades from 9th grade to present (it can be an unofficial transcript); Provide letters of recommendation from a member(s) of their school staff (such as teacher or guidance counselor), coaches (who have known you for four years or less) and/or community people who know you well (church or other community members), at least 1 letter is required; and submit an essay of 1 to 2 pages, typed and double spaced, describing how Tourette Syndrome has played a part in your life. You may also submit media (pictures, video, music) displaying your talent(s). Please make it no more than 5 minutes in length. The winners will be selected based upon academic achievement, community involvement and accomplishments as an individual living with this challenging and complex neurological disorder. The criteria and selection of the winners shall be in the sole discretion of the NJCTS scholarship committee.