Ohio Realtors Charitable & Educational Foundation Scholarship

October 15, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Ohio Relators Charitable & Educational Foundation offers an annual scholarship to students pursuing a major in real estate at an eligible Ohio college or university. Applicants must be full-time students who are pursuing a four-year degree or higher in real estate or a related field such as finance with a major in real estate at one of the seven eligible colleges/universities in Ohio. Applicant must additionally have completed at least one real estate course and be enrolled in a second with a letter of recommendation from the professor or academic officer.

Scholarship Details

  • Scholarships of at least $1,000 awarded annually
  • Number of scholarships varies based on fund interest and applicant qualifications
  • Available for students pursuing a four-year degree or higher in real estate or related fields
  • The Helen Hendershott Memorial Scholarship specifically supports students at The Ohio State University

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Must have completed at least one accredited real estate course at an eligible four-year Ohio college or university
  • Enrolled full-time in a real estate program or related field (e.g., finance with a real estate concentration)
  • Must provide a letter of recommendation from a professor or academic officer

Application Process

  1. Obtain the application form from the Ohio REALTORS website
  2. Complete and submit the application in the fall, as specified by Ohio REALTORS
  3. Provide proof of enrollment in a second real estate course and the required letter of recommendation

The number of scholarships awarded each year is based on the amount of interest accrued from the principal amount in the endowment fund and the number of qualified applicants. Applications close each year on October 15th.

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