Pioneers of Flight Scholarship

December 26, 2025
Awards Available: 2

Scholarship Description

The National Air Transportation Foundation (NATF) established the Pioneers of Flight Scholarship Program in 1989 to offer financial assistance and encouragement to young people in the pursuit of academic excellence. By making scholarships available, NATF's ultimate goal is to foster and promote careers in the general aviation industry. The Pioneers of Flight scholarships, in the amounts of $1,000 each, are to be used for one year of full-time undergraduate study. Two awards will be granted each year. To be eligible for the Pioneers of Flight Scholarship, applicants must be undergraduate sophomores or juniors enrolled full-time, have a 3.0 GPA, and demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in general aviation. Recipients will be notified by the end of April and all other applicants will be notified by mid-May. Applications must be completed online. You do not need to mail any applications to NATF. The scholarship checks will be mailed to each recipient's address stipulated on the scholarship acknowledgement form.

Interested students must complete an application and submit it along with the following required documents no later than the last Friday in December: a complete transcript of grades (one original and three photocopies); a letter of recommendation; an essay on general aviation; and a paper indicating career goals in general aviation. All information received becomes the property of NATF, is considered confidential, and is reviewed only by the screening committee and NATF officials. Recipients are required to supply copies of pertinent records and to notify NATF of any changes of address, school enrollment or other relevant information. Scholarship Search