Beloved Arise, a national organization dedicated to celebrating and empowering LGBTQIA+ youth of faith, is hosting our third annual Queer Youth of Faith National Essay Contest. Open to high school seniors residing in the United States, this essay contest awards $10,000 in scholarships and creates a platform for LGBTQ+ youth of any faith, religion, or spiritual community to share their stories
Eligibility Criteria
- High school seniors aged 16 to 20
- Residing in the United States
- Identifying as LGBTQ+ and people of faith
- Essay length between 500-600 words
- Video entry required for participation
Application Process
- Compose a 500-600 word essay and create a video entry
- Complete and sign the Essay Contest Consent & Release Form.
- Submit your entry.
Beloved Arise's mission is to celebrate and empower LGBTQ+ youth of faith. This essay contest is one of the ways we celebrate our youth and create a platform for them to share their stories with the world. We hope these stories will inspire and encourage other young people who are navigating the intersections of faith and queerness.