Deciding whether you want to go to college is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. No matter where you go to college the most important factor determining your success is whether you really want a college degree. Rust College has a program, faculty, and staff that are committed to making everyone who comes to Rust a successful college graduate. If you decide to come to Rust, you will make lifelong friends, have the benefits of a faculty and staff committed to your success, be able to participate in activities with your peers beyond the classroom.
The Rust College Presidential Scholarship is offered to incoming freshmen. Applicants must meet two of the following requirements: a minimum 3.5 GPA, an ACT Score of 22 or above or SAT score of 1000 or above. If accepted, students must maintain a GPA of 3.5 to keep the scholarship. This scholarship covers tuition, fees, on-campus housings, meal plan and textbooks for up to 18 credit hours. The number of given awards will vary.