Sam Houston State University Honors College Scholarships

November 1, 2025
Awards Available: 25

Scholarship Description

The Elliott T. Bowers Honors College offers several scholarships to incoming Honors freshmen every fall semester, including The Elliott T. Bowers Scholarship (two per year) and the Honors Scholarship (23 per year). These competitive scholarships are selected from the qualified applicant pool on a first-come, first serve basis. Therefore, incoming freshmen are encouraged to apply to the Honors College as soon as possible and to take either the SAT or ACT test. To be considered for a scholarship, students must be first accepted into the Honors College.

To be eligible for the Honors College Scholarships, applicants must: be an incoming freshman to Sam Houston State University; have demonstrated excellence in academics and leadership; have achieved scores of 1320 (SAT) or 29 (ACT); and have been accepted to the Elliott T. Bowers Honors College by January 1st. Scholarship funds will not be awarded if students are enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours. Students who fall below 12 hours during a semester will be put on probation (without scholarship) the following semester. This is renewable upon a 3.25 GPA. Scholarship Search