Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarships

January 31, 2026
Awards Available: 4

Scholarship Description

The Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship (SEAS) endowment fund was established in 2010 to increase recruitment and retention of under represented minorities obtaining degrees in archaeology. Racial-minority groups have long been under represented and marginalized in American archaeology, creating an imbalance with consequences, not only in research goals and interpretations, but also in communication with diverse publics. The Society, along with the Minority Scholarship Committee is committed to the inclusion of under-represented minorities in archaeology.

To apply for a SEAS, the following criteria must be met: you must be a member of historically underrepresented minorities in archaeology; you must be a resident of either the United States or Canada; you must be enrolled in a regionally accredited university in the United States or Canada or, if outside the United States, a university with equivalent accreditation; or if the applicant is a graduate student, s/he must be in their first or second year of graduate studies and may not have an MA/MS degree at the time of application. Scholarship Search