Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Award Program

April 3, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

When you think about Albuquerque Community Foundation, we hope you will think of three words: Leadership, Trust and Legacy. They describe who we are, what we do, and will continue to be, forever. Throughout her life, Shirley Sussman Spiewak was involved with numerous educational and charitable organizations. She and her husband were passionate advocates of education, believing it to be “the one possession that is permanent.” A fund was established in 1994 from their estates to provide financial assistance to students to further their education in an undergraduate program.

The Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Award is a financial aid program for New Mexico residents, to fill the gap in student financial aid packages while pursuing an undergraduate degree. This is a program for both students graduating from high school and those continuing their college undergraduate education. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors or undergraduate students who plan on attending a college or university full-time and must be able to show financial need. Applicants must have at least a 3.5 GPA (if a high school senior) or a 3.0 GPA (if a current undergraduate). The number of given awards each year will vary. Scholarship Search