The University of North Texas offers a variety of options to assist you in paying for your college education. Costs should not be a barrier to opportunity. You might be surprised to find out how much financial aid you can receive, regardless of your family’s income level. You won’t know what you are eligible for unless you apply. With a little preparation and a few tips on how to get through the financial aid application process, financing your college education is within your reach. Although UNT makes every effort to keep costs low, many students still need help paying for college. The Financial Aid and Scholarships office annually awards $405 million in financial aid, including more than $60 million in scholarships.
Transfer Excellence Scholarships are available to undergraduate students that have a demonstrated track record of academic success who are transferring to UNT for the first time from a community college or an accredited university. These two-year awards range from $1,500 to $4,000 per year based on transfer cumulative GPA. To be eligible for a UNT Transfer Excellence Scholarship, a student must: have completed a minimum of 30 semester credit hours at a community college or an accredited university; and, be a full-time student taking a minimum of 12 UNT semester credit hours each fall and spring term.