VBKA College Scholarship Program

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Scholarship Description

Academic success is a high priority at the Vero Beach Karate Association. Students are encouraged to work for academic excellence. Three achievement programs sponsored by VBKA highlight and focus on excellence in school: the Academic Achievers Program, Student Excellence Award and College Scholarship Program. The pinnacle of VBKA’s support for academics is the College Scholarship Program.

Students who earn their Black Belts with VBKA and are going to college can receive up to $1,000.00 for a 1st Degree Black Belt, $2,000.00 for a 2nd Degree Black Belt, and $3,000.00 for a 3rd Degree Black Belt. While the martial arts is the center of what we do at the Vero Beach Karate Association, we learned many years ago that it could also be a vehicle to enrich people’s lives through character building and personal development activities. We have carefully developed a variety of worthwhile and fulfilling activities, and these “enrichment” activities distinguish VBKA from many other martial arts schools.

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