So it’s about that time (at least in my semester) for the first slew of college tests and essays...and time for stress! But don’t let it get you down - here are some tips I like to consider when I feel overwhelmed in my studies:
Professors know that they all seem to schedule tests around the same time in the semester; they will take that into consideration.
Find a study place. If you’re anything like me, studying in your dorm/room/apartment just leads to distraction. An empty classroom, the library, a study center or a lab might be a better option for those of you who want to stay focused.
STAY OFF FACEBOOK...or at least set specific intervals. Complete ‘x’ amount of studying then give yourself five minutes of Facebook/TV/video game time. But just realize these distractions are not going to result in anything productive with your studying.
Caffeine is good, but too much can have the opposite reaction: Beware the crash.
Manage your time! I’m terrible at this one: I let the little things get the best of me, they add up and the next thing I know, it’s midnight and I’m just starting the important things. Get your little things (emails, Facebook, blogs, meetings, hobbies, etc.) done so you can focus! When it’s time to study, STUDY!
Music always helps – slow, chill music especially. Just avoid writing lyrics in place of your essay. (Been there, done that!)
It’s the first test! You clearly don’t know how a professor’s tests will be and there is always a learning curve. If you get in the classroom and are lost on test day, study how the professor tests so you’ll know how to better prepare for the next exam!
Remember, this won’t be your last college exam, there will be room for improvement and it’s a learning experience either way. Good luck and feel free to use these tips for all tests and essays, not just the first one!
Mike Sheffey is a junior at Wofford College double majoring in computer science and Spanish. He loves all things music and has recently taken up photography. Mike works for an on-campus sports broadcasting company as well as the music news blog He hopes to use this blogging position to inform and assist others who are seeking the right college or those currently enrolled in college by providing advice on college life, both in general and specific to Wofford.