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Putting in a couple years at a community college can be a great way to save money while still working towards your goal of receiving a bachelor's degree. However, even though your first two years of school might be cheaper, transferring to a four-year college or university can quickly become expensive, especially if you're planning on attending a prestigious private college. Outstanding students transferring from community colleges do have options for financial aid, though. One of the most generous scholarship opportunities available is this week's Scholarship of the Week, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship.
Up to 50 students will receive awards of up to $30,000 a year for their junior and senior years of college. Award amounts will be calculated based on unmet financial need.
Students must be currently attending college at a two-year community college and planning to transfer to a four-year college or university in the fall of 2009. Students who have received an associate's degree since spring 2004 who are planning to go back to school full-time in 2009 are also eligible. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and must have achieved sophomore status by December 31, 2008. Students previously nominated for a Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarship are not eligible. Students are nominated by a Jack Kent Cooke Foundation representative at their community college. Contact information for these representatives can be found on the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation website. Individual community colleges may have additional requirements for nominees.
Completed application packets must be submitted to the Jack Kent Cooke foundation by January 20, 2009, using the online submission system found on the scholarship website. Schools must finish their nomination forms and submit them by 3 PM on January 26, 2009.
Required Materials:
Completed online scholarship application, including the student's financial information, official transcripts, two letters of recommendation, parent financial information forms, and attached income tax forms for students and parents. Materials must be submitted online as PDF attachments or mailed to the address provided by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. Students must be nominated by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation representative at their community college, who must complete and submit a nomination form.
Further details about the application process can be found by conducting a free college scholarship search on Scholarships.com. Once the search is completed, students eligible for this scholarship award will find it in their search results.