Featured Scholarships
Take advantage of the free scholarship search today and find your best matches to fund your higher education dreams. The process is simple and can be started immediately - results will quickly filter to your individualized, unique profile.
Of the millions of scholarships out there, these are some that truly stand out. Whether it is because they have been around for decades and benefited hundreds or even thousands of students or due to their unique rules and selection process, they deserve your attention
Scholarships can be more than just some money to keep you from going too far into student loan debt. Some organizations offer different types of support, academic and beyond. Some are more of a community, which you will be a part of for the rest of your life, making friends and future alumni as you go.
What are Some of the Best Scholarships to Apply for?
Well, we're glad you asked! Below is a short list of what we feel are among the best you can apply for. Just be sure to read all of the requirements and instructions once you have verified that you are qualified to apply. And make sure to keep track of the process, too. We make it easy to mark scholarships favorite, applied to and won and save them accordingly in your Scholarship Matches.