IUMF Westmar Scholarship

March 1, 2025
Awards Available: 13

Scholarship Description

This scholarship is made available from a portion of the scholarship money that remained after the closing of Westmar College, an affiliate of the Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. To honor the memory of those making gifts to Westmar College and the alumni, these funds will be used as an endowment to assist students with their educational needs at United Methodist colleges in Iowa.

Requirements: * Applicant must be a member of an Iowa United Methodist Church. *Applicant must be enrolled or planning to enroll at a United Methodist affiliated college in Iowa. *Applicant must show evidence that he/she is active in high school or college activities. *Applicant must have minimum grade point average for high school applicant of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and 2.5 for a college applicant. *If all criteria are equal, preference will be given to students from the following northwest Iowa counties: - Lyon, Sioux, Osceola, O’Brien, Plymouth, Cherokee, Woodbury and Ida. *Applicant must submit grade transcript to date. *Proof of ACT and/or SAT test scores are optional but may be considered. *Applicant must submit a FAFSA/IRS Tax return.

Personal Statement Essay Question:

Use this opportunity to allow the committee to get to know you beyond what is supplied in the application/transcript. Ideas you could write about: · Background, identity, interest or talent that is meaningful to you and why. · Your call to ministry. · Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal and/or spiritual growth or new understanding of yourself. · Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback or failure. How did it affect you and your faith? How did you overcome it?

Recommendation Letters-

Three letters of recommendation required: 1. Pastor 2. School Advisor/Counselor or Teacher 3. Community Leader outside the local church, i.e. employer, coach, etc. (No relatives)

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