West Liberty University Elbin Scholars

Deadline Varies
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

West Liberty University is a forward-looking, four-year public university steeped in a rich heritage as West Virginia’s oldest institution of higher education. West Liberty was so named in the late 18th Century as the westernmost point of the new liberty provided through the Declaration of Independence. The West Liberty University Scholars Program was established to attract top academic students. Students entering as a first-time freshman may qualify for the Elbin Scholars. In addition to receiving this four-year academic scholarship, students receive other benefits under this program.

The Elbin Scholars scholarship is for students accepted for admission with at least a 3.75 high school grade point average (on a 4.0 scale), and at least an ACT composite score of 27. Students admitted as Elbin Scholars receive general studies credit based on ACT sub scores of 27 or higher, priority scheduling, opportunity to join the Honors College as a freshman, transcript designation as an Elbin Scholar and recognition at graduation as an Elbin Scholar. To maintain in the Scholars Program, an Elbin Scholar must maintain full-time enrollment and a 3.25 cumulative GPA.

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