Updated: September 10, 2024

American Indian/Native American Scholarships

American Indians/Native Americans face a unique set of challenges in gaining access to a college education and are one of the most underrepresented groups both in college and in the degree-holding population. There are fewer Native Americans than other minorities in higher education, and with extreme poverty and limited access to educational resources remaining persistent problems on reservations and educated professionals also in short supply in many communities, education is a pressing concern for the American Indian/Native American community. Despite a strong desire to earn a degree, many American Indian students find themselves in a position where they cannot easily pay for school, even with the help of federal student financial aid. Fortunately, there are American Indian and Native American scholarship opportunities for students who are dedicated to beating the odds and earning a degree.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 American Indian/Native American Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

A variety of American Indian scholarships exist to help students attain a college education that will benefit not only them, but their families and communities. In some instances, tribal scholarships or other local scholarships are available to American Indian students, though often the award amounts fall significantly shy of the actual cost of attending college. Numerous national American Indian scholarship providers offer more substantial awards to deserving students. American Indian students often qualify for other scholarships for minorities, as well. These awards are often the most substantial, though also the most competitive.

Native American-specific scholarships will typically require documentation and proof of Native American descent and lineage. Also, certain scholarships may be limited to a people from a specific tribe, such as the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, or Seminole tribes. Always be sure to read the rules and eligibility carefully before applying.

As an American Indian student, you don't need to limit your scholarship search solely to awards based on ethnicity. Other national and campus-based programs also serve American Indians. Scholarships and grants for low-income or first-generation students are options for many American Indian students who meet those criteria. American Indian students who do well academically or athletically shouldn't rule out finding scholarships based on those characteristics, either. If you start early and thoroughly investigate scholarship options, you will be able to fund your education with American Indian scholarships and other financial aid.