Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing A College
There are many factors to consider when choosing a college. Part of a successful college search process involves thinking about your school preferences and career plans, and identifying colleges that meet your needs.
Questions to ask yourself that can help with choosing the right college include:
- What do I want to major in?
- Am I 100% certain about my major choice, or is there a possibility that I might change majors?
- Will I be benefit from starting out in a two-year college?
- Will I be comfortable at a large university?
- Is a faith-based college a good choice for me?
- Is a private college a good choice for me?
- How much can I afford to spend on college?
- What are my options for paying for college?
- Do I plan to work while attending college?
- What geographic area do I prefer?
- Will I live on campus, with my parents, or in an off-campus apartment?
- Will I be happier at a co-ed or a single gender campus?
- What are my primary reasons for attending college?
- What type of work would I like to do after college?
- Is it likely that I will pursue graduate study after completing my undergraduate program?
The free college search engine can help you locate colleges that meet your needs. The answers to these questions can help you narrow down your list of potential colleges. For example, if you find the idea of attending a large state university overwhelming, you can narrow your college search to smaller schools. If you want to live with your parents while attending college, you can narrow the list to include only schools within an easy commuting distance of your home.